Tracers » Stunt harnesses & gear

Wrist/ankle strap with WLL 20kg to be used in arms and legs positioning while rigging the character. Slim soft pads are also available for better comfort. #tracerspro ...

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Tracers rigid frame harness for attaching performer to robot or crane. Two pins quick release. Check how it works in previous post. #tracerspro ...

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Dance in the air with Tracers rigid frame harness and the robot arm.
Thanks to for sharing!
Dancer: @vitaliksav4enko

#tracerspro #stuntrigging #dance #choreography #flyingeffects #aerialdance

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Tracers kids stunt vest doing their job.
@stuntwork @vlassimo #tracerspro

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Black swivel blocks for our harnesses. #tracerspro ...

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@katebeckinsale wearing Tracers black Dyneema stunt vest in the scene of recently released “Canary Black” movie. Stunt coordinator @ced_proust.
#canaryblack #tracerspro #poweredbytracers

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Wolverine or pasty flying Scotsman? You decide.

Riggers: @aerial.lexy @walletau

#tracerspro #tracersclients #stuntharness #stuntrigging

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Climbing wall on Tracers summer festival. 3 weeks have passed and two more ahead. Try the walls fragments of famous skyscrapers Tour Total and Montparnasse with auto belay. Greetings to @alainrobertofficial @alexis.landot @leo.urban. ...

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Right now on Tracers summer festival. @igoryan_parkoursky flying #tracerspro ...

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Building the Tracers summer festival '24.
#heavymetal #action #rigging #parkour #climbing #tracersevents

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Motion capture 🎬🎥 @actionschool_stunt

@gera_sxe @mikita_balandzin @senkov261 @anton_keizik @olehnovich_alex @alexgeleisha

#stuntrigging #stuntharness

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Some harnesses arrived to Australia today with up to date improvements. We have moved to new womens vest construction for better fit, and also developed new stronger Nylon webbing. Thanks for your trust and support! @stuntactionconsultants ...

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